Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Post WW1 Music

Music from Greek refugees from the treaty of Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations (1923).  This came about because of the fall of the Ottoman empire at the end of WWI. The arrival of the Asia Minor Greeks resulted in the rise of the agricultural production of the state by 400% but also resulted in the refugees becoming poorer and many died.

German tango from the 1920s. With the reparations that Germany was forced to pay he was much poorer and no longer the economic powerhouse it was before the war.  This depression as well as the world wide depression a few years latter led to the rise of the nazi party.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Japanese Imperism

The Japanese Imperialism differed from most other Imperialism in that it was not a western nation.  Created out of the Meiji restoration the Industrialization.  Japan started by conquering korea and Taiwan, Manchuria and many island fell but most important is its territory in WWII.
Here is Japan at its height in 1939

Japan started out in 1850 as a non industrializing nation like China not believing that the west had anything to teach them. then Matthew c. Perry came to Edo bay with war ships and made japan sign an unequal treaty.
Perry's black ship as the Japanese Imagined

This being right after the opium wars which saw the great power of the east humiliated and forced to sign many un equal treaties.

A Japanese Unequal treaty

These next two are Japanese propaganda posters a typical result of an Imperialistic power.

Japan created its own unequal treaties with its sphere of influence
Japan taking parts ow korea before annexing it outright

Friday, February 7, 2014

Silver Trade

To my patron Qabus for which I had hoped to find asylum.

The silver Standard was the first major precious metal standard and with gold the only major precious metals to be used as a standard of currency.  mining of silver began 4000 years ago. Silver as a method of standard currency was first developed by the greeks 2000 years before the prophet jesus born.  The currency was in ingots until the Athenian tetradrachm 510 BCE.
The chinese trade silver since the Han dynasty, but before the ming it was used mostly for hoarding wealth or for the tribute system between china and northern tribes, like the the Song and Liao dynasty.
In the era that Qabus wants is 900 years after my death or so, called the Early modern by the most famous of all peoples TheDan. The muslim influenced iberian peninsula country of spain used the native population of the faraway land called America to produce 1.24 million kg of silver in 1500 to 2.48 million kg in 1870.  this is more per year than ever before.  
this majority of the increased amount of silver found its way to china this is due to the dragons unquenchable thirst for silver via its new tax system which requires its citizens to pay in the metal. As economic theory dictates so much silver so fast caused Inflation that bankrupted the Spanish and led to other Christian powers to dominate the globalization era never the less silver remained an important part of the era mostly in the control of Spain and japan.

During the heyday of the Spanish Silver trade this is what the world looked in an economic perspective

 Potosí, Biggest Silver Mine in the new world  
The Japanese Silver mines

The Spanish Piece of eight silver currency coin

graph of silver production

better graph

Chinese silver coins used to pay in the new tax system.

 The place would take silver coins also I want a muffin

The global trade routs

The greek silver mine and the spanish mine side by side 


