Friday, September 27, 2013

Early Christian traveled from the middle east to all directions to Rome with Saint Paul but also India and Africa.  Personal Relationship with god as well of the promise of good afterlife swayed rome in to making it is primary religion.

Early example of Christian art, c.420, showing Christ crucified and Judas hanging.

5th Century Mosaics in the Apse of the Basilica di Santa Pudenziana

Samson and the Lion. Wall-painting, c. 350-400. Via Latina Catacomb, Rome.  Could it be related to Daniel and the Lions?

5th Century Mosaics in the Apse of Santa Maria Maggiore

The Good Shepherd, praying figures. Wall-painting. Catacomb of Priscilla, Rome.

The Good shepherd

Christianity was brought to many places in the world.

A minature of the virgin Mary and baby Jesus in Persian style

Christianity about personal God.

cross takes many shapes and sizes.,_500s_AD,_Early_Byzantine,_perhaps_Syria,_gold_sheet,_gold_wire,_and_garnets_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art_-_DSC08363.JPG

The Yayoi era (300BCE-300CE) of Japan created the founding of the rest of Japanese history.  an increase of weaving, rice farming, iron and bronze making.  The start of trade with china and Korea the takes off in the konfu era.  The imperial family that exist to this day was founded in the 6th century BCE but did not centralize the empire until later.  

A Dokatu bell similar to korean.  used for fertility rituals. late Yayoi period (ca. 4th century B.C.–3rd century A.D.)

Storage jar, late Yayoi period (ca. 4th century B.C.–3rd century A.D.), ca. 100–200

Haniwa of an armored man used for in burals

Bronze mirrors were introduced into Japan from China and Korea

Yayoi period (circa 2nd century) 
Carved with two cutting edges and medial ridge running down the length of the blade, handle with hand guard, fitted stand

Horse use was prominent in  Yayoi era japan

Reconstructed grain storehouse. Reconstruction of Yayoi period remains at Toro in Shizuoka, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

A Yayoi jar, first-third century, excavated in Kugahara, Ōta-ku, Tokyo, Tokyo National Museum.

The golden seal said to have been granted to the "King of Wa" by Emperor Guangwu of a Han in 57 CE. It is inscribedKing of Na of Wa in Han Dynasty

 Raised floor building at Yoshinogari, a Yayoi settlement (reconstructed)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Australian Aboriginal

The Aboriginal used X-ray art to expose the gods

The aboriginal culture existed un changed for thousands of years until the Europeans came a few centuries ago.

The dreamland religion passed down verbally and through rock art is the oldest religion ever.

entrence to a cave with rockart.

The lightning Man giver of fire

Hunting with traditional weapons of clubs and boomerang.

ceremonial dancing extremely important to the Dreamland religion.

Most work is so old you can not make out what it is with out training.

First depiction of Europeans in aboriginal rock art.

Ancient Rock drawing continues today even after European colonization.


Like the Incas after them the moche practiced Human sacrifice.

pottery was created with molds although the mold usually broke after the first filling.  all potery was unique or only had one other identical brother.

The Moche created pyramids as temples they dung into the sides of mountain for their tombs.

A curious tomb filled with weapons used by man and tools used by woman were found in a single tomb of a moche tomb this might suggest that women can rise in power in a society ruled by men.

The detail of their vessels created an idea to how much art was viewed, the object above was use to collect the blood of the sacrificed

The depiction of skeletons an a vessel made not for human sacrifice gives the impression that death was commonplace in this society.

gender roles were at the extreme with the moche the way that the woman is lying on her stomach with no eye contact means that woman were only to serve the men.

Because all sex was unprotected and STDs exist growths on the private area was a problem for the moche young.
This ceramic warrior was created to inspire the small people to join the frequent wars with neighbors  and to give strength to the defeated about to be sacrifice.

When the army defeated someone it was custom to celebrate with human sacrifice kind of like modern day fire works.


The Harrapan civilization is in the Indus valley now Pakistan/india using resources from the Indus and Ghagger-hakra river connecting in the south to the Arabic sea.

The beliefs of the early Indus valley was of the The Divine Mother.  Depicted in countless terra-cotta statues of her that were found, she was an important Goddess of creation to early Indus valley civilization.

late Indus River valley was closer to early hindu or Jainism with a focus on ones self. The idea of personal god started to exist similar with modern Hinduism.

Art was made out of terra-cotta, ivory, gold and shells depending on time period and location many statues depicting animals.  These ornaments were use as decorations for woman and as religious depictions like the Mother Goddess.

The social structure like most of Indian history was strict hierarchy  With Priests, then the administrators and warriors then the middle class, unskilled workers and then finally the untouchables.

Unlike most hierarchies the upper class were priests creating a religious state the political navigations would be more theological and not who is who's son.

In between China and the fertile crescent The Indus Civilization depended on trade as a life blood.  It used seals as a way to identify goods
The Harrapan was one of the first to invent writing with this stone tablet 5,500 years ago.

The cities were planed to a degree unknown to the ancient world with a proto-pluming and well built houses it created an atmosphere for success.
The most famous artifact the dancing girl is made with a high percent of copper, with out any major civilization bordering them the Harrapan bronzing technic became very independent and with the fall of the harrapan civilization bronzing became Unique compared to other civilizations.